// $VER: Say.AMIRX 4.1 (29.07.96) (MCF Extra command)
\\ Written by Donald T. Becker (dtbecker@prolog.net) IRC: StarDustr
\\ ** What to do with this file? Put this script in REXX:
// then type /rx say TEXT
\\ to start BOLD use \b
// to start REVERSE use \r
\\ to start UNDERSCORE use \u
// then use the same to remove the attribute from the text line
parse arg argline;xx=pos('\',argline);aline="";if xx>0 then;do;do until xx=0;yy=xx-1;zz=xx+1;xx=xx+2;rchar=substr(argline,zz,1);if rchar='b' then RepChar='02'x;if rchar='r' then RepChar='16'x;if rchar='u' then RepChar='1f'x;if xx>2 then;aline=aline||left(argline,yy)||RepChar;else aline=aline||RepChar;argline=substr(argline,xx);xx=pos('\',argline);end;if argline ~="" then aline=aline||argline;end;"say "aline;exit